Protective Services is a service that is set up to investigate any report of elder abuse. Elder abuse is physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, financial exploitation, neglect and any other form of mistreatment. In order for a Protective Service case to be started, the consumer must meet the following criteria:
- At least 60 years old
- Cannot perform or obtain services necessary to maintain physical or mental health
- has no responsible caretaker at the time of the report
- is at imminent risk of danger
A caseworker will then be assigned to the Protective Service call to investigate the report and to try to help the individual by getting them the help they need.
Any person who believes that an older adult is being abused, neglected, exploited, or abandoned may file a confidential report at any time with the Jefferson County Area Agency on Aging by calling 800-852-8036.
What The Older Adult Protective Services Act at Jefferson County AAA does:
•Investigates allegations of or suspected
occurrence of:
•Physical abuse
•Emotional abuse
•Financial abuse
•Mandatory Reporting by:
•Nursing home employees and
•Personal Care and Asst. Living Homes
•Domiciliary care Homes
•Adult day service Centers
For general public, reporting of abuse is
voluntary and can be anonymous. The law
protects all reporters from retaliation and civil
or criminal liability.
•Weight Loss
•Bruises or Broken Bones
•Increased Confusion
•Unusual Withdrawals From Any Account
•Signing Over One’s Home to Another
Our Agency is available to take calls for reports of abuse 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Helpful Phone Numbers:
Bureau of Consumer Protection 800-441-2522
Pennsylvania’s SeniorLAW Helpline 877-727-7529
Office of Victims’ Services 717-705-0888